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Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair is a former competitive athlete who transitioned into the world of wellness and mindfulness. Her journey through the highs and lows of competitive sports has given her a unique perspective on resilience and mental toughness. Ava’s writing reflects her belief in the power of small, daily habits to create lasting change.
69 Articles

7 situations in life where you should always put yourself first

There's a fine line between being selfless and forgetting to prioritize yourself.

Ava Sinclair Ava Sinclair

People who turn out kind despite a rough childhood typically possess these traits

We often wonder how some people manage to remain kind-hearted despite having

Ava Sinclair Ava Sinclair

10 signs you are an introvert with a truly beautiful soul

There’s something enchanting about people who thrive in their own quiet corners

Ava Sinclair Ava Sinclair

8 subtle behaviors of people who care too much about what others think of them

When someone constantly seeks approval, you know they care too much about

Ava Sinclair Ava Sinclair

10 reasons creative people often struggle to finish what they start

Creative minds are full of ideas, inspiration, and innovation—but finishing what they

Ava Sinclair Ava Sinclair

People who are held back in life by anxiety and overthinking usually display these behaviors (without realizing it)

Overthinking and anxiety can be crippling, often holding us back from achieving

Ava Sinclair Ava Sinclair

People who live with their parents into their 30s often display these 10 unique habits

Living with parents into your 30s isn't as uncommon as you may

Ava Sinclair Ava Sinclair

If a woman uses these 11 phrases in a conversation, she’s building emotional walls

Facing the world of human emotions is no easy task, especially when

Ava Sinclair Ava Sinclair

If you recognize these 8 traits, you’ve got the potential to achieve great things in life

When someone is consistently successful, you know they're self-driven. When someone never

Ava Sinclair Ava Sinclair