There’s a stark contrast between being perceived as trustworthy and genuinely being someone who instills trust in others.
The difference essentially lies in authenticity. An authentic person isn’t trying to appear trustworthy; they just are because of their genuine personality.
Exuding trust isn’t about putting on a performance, it’s about being yourself, and people can pick up on that authenticity.
A genuine personality is like a beacon of trust and there are telltale signs that set these individuals apart.
In this article, we will be delving into the seven signs you have a genuine personality that instills trust in others.
These indicators might just help you understand why people naturally tend to confide in you or rely on your judgment.
1) Authenticity is your default mode
Being genuine isn’t a performance; it’s a state of being.
For some, it can be a conscious act of trying to appear authentic. But for those who truly have a genuine personality, it’s not an act – it’s their default mode.
This authenticity is the bedrock of trust. It’s the sense of consistency and transparency that makes people feel comfortable around you. They know that what they see is what they get and there are no hidden agendas or masks.
It’s like being an open book. There’s no need to read between the lines because everything is out in the open.
If you find that people often comment on your ‘realness’ or ‘authenticity’, it’s a clear sign that your genuine personality instills trust in others.
And remember, this isn’t about being perfect. It’s about being real, flaws and all. That’s what makes people feel safe and willing to trust you.
2) You listen more than you speak
Here’s a personal story of mine that perfectly illustrates this trait.
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I’ve always been more of a listener than a talker – the type of person who genuinely enjoys hearing other people’s stories and experiences.
I’ve found that in being this way, I tend to ask more questions, encouraging others to share more about themselves.
One day, a colleague of mine confided in me about a personal issue she was dealing with. It was unexpected; we weren’t particularly close.
When I asked her why she felt comfortable sharing this with me, she said something that stayed with me: “You’re always listening. You make people feel heard.”
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Listening more than speaking doesn’t mean being silent. It means engaging in active listening – showing genuine interest, asking thoughtful questions and responding empathetically.
This is a sign of a genuine personality that instills trust in others. People trust you because they feel seen, heard, and valued. They know their words won’t just be lost in the air; they’ll be received and understood.
3) You’re not quick to judge
In the world of psychology, there’s a concept known as the fundamental attribution error. This is when we tend to attribute people’s behaviors more to their character traits rather than the situational factors influencing them.
For instance, if someone cuts you off in traffic, your first reaction might be to label them as rude or inconsiderate.
However, a more understanding perspective would consider that they may be under stress or running late for an important appointment.
Those with genuine personalities that instill trust in others often steer clear of this error. They see beyond immediate actions and try to understand the context. They’re not quick to judge or jump to conclusions.
This trait can make others feel more at ease around you, knowing they won’t be harshly judged for a single action or mistake. This openness cultivates a safe space where trust can flourish.
4) You’re consistently reliable
Reliability is a cornerstone of trust. When you say you’re going to do something, you do it. And you do it when you say you will.
For those with genuine personalities that instill trust, this isn’t a conscious effort. It’s a natural part of who they are. They understand the value of their word and the importance of following through on commitments.
This reliability extends to all areas of life, from work commitments to personal relationships. You don’t make promises lightly, and when you do make them, you strive to keep them.
The consistency in your actions builds a track record of dependability. Over time, people learn that they can count on you, and this fosters a deep sense of trust.
5) You’re not afraid to show your own flaws
When I was younger, I used to struggle with the idea of showing my flaws and vulnerabilities, fearing that it would make me seem weak or inadequate. However, as I’ve grown, I’ve come to realize that it’s quite the opposite.
Being open about my shortcomings doesn’t diminish my worth or competence. Instead, it humanizes me. It shows others that I’m not perfect and that’s okay – we’re all works in progress.
This openness invites others to let their guards down, creating a space for genuine connections. When you’re not afraid to show your own flaws, it reassures others that they can be themselves around you, too.
Over time, this cultivates deep trust and mutual understanding.
6) You show empathy and understanding
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It goes beyond sympathizing or feeling sorry for someone; it’s about recognizing their emotions and connecting with them on a deeper level.
For those with genuine personalities that instill trust, empathy is a natural reflex. They don’t shy away from other people’s emotions or experiences, but instead, they lean in. They offer comfort, support, or simply a listening ear.
This ability to empathize makes people feel seen and understood. It assures them that they’re not alone in their experiences.
This deep level of understanding can foster a strong bond of trust, as people know they can confide in you without fear of judgment or dismissal.
7) You’re true to your word
The most crucial trait of a genuine personality that instills trust is being true to your word. It’s about having integrity – the alignment of your words, actions, and values.
If you say you’re going to do something, you do it. If you make a promise, you keep it. You stand by your values, even when it’s challenging or inconvenient.
This consistency sends a strong message to others: they can rely on you. They know that your words aren’t empty promises, but commitments that you fully intend to honor.
Being true to your word is more than just a sign of a genuine personality – it’s the foundation upon which trust is built.
Final thought: The essence of trust
Trust is not just a feeling; it’s the foundation of all meaningful relationships.
It’s interesting to note that neuroscientists have found that when trust is established between two people, oxytocin, a hormone and neurotransmitter, is released in the brain.
This ‘bonding hormone’ fosters feelings of connection, empathy, and trust.
If you resonate with these seven signs, it’s likely that your genuine personality naturally fosters this sense of trust in others. You’re not just seen as trustworthy; you are trustworthy.
Your actions and interactions are grounded in authenticity, empathy, and integrity. These qualities, combined with your consistent reliability and openness to show your flaws, create a safe space for others to confide in you.
Remember, being genuine isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being real. And it’s this realness that allows others to deeply connect with you, fostering a bond of trust that goes beyond superficial interactions.
In essence, trust isn’t something that can be forced or faked. It’s earned through genuine interactions and consistent actions. And if these seven signs resonate with you, it’s clear that you’re on the right path.
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