Self-doubt has this sneaky way of weaving itself into the fabric of your daily life.
I know because I’ve been there—turning the smallest choices into debates, holding myself back when I should be stepping up, and feeling like I need permission to trust my instincts.
The thing is, when you’re living with constant self-doubt, you might not even realize how much it’s shaping your days.
It’s subtle, but it’s there—in the overthinking, the comparing, the playing small. So, I decided to call it out.
These ten signs might just hit home, and if they do, don’t panic. Let’s unpack them together.
1) You second-guess every decision
Self-doubt can be a tricky beast. It doesn’t just make you question your big decisions, it makes you second-guess every little choice you make.
Whether it’s deciding what to have for lunch or debating whether to send that email now or later, self-doubt can transform even the simplest decisions into an exhausting mental marathon.
Psychological research has proven that constant questioning can leave you feeling drained and increase your levels of anxiety. It’s a vicious cycle, where your self-doubt fuels your indecision, and your indecision then fuels more self-doubt.
Keep in mind that every decision doesn’t have to be perfect, and it’s okay to trust your instincts sometimes.
2) You’re a perfectionist
I’ll be the first to admit, I’m a bit of a perfectionist.
Everything in my life has to be just so. I used to think that was a good thing, a sign of my dedication and attention to detail.
But then I realized just how much this need for perfection was feeding into my self-doubt. Every project, every task had to be flawless, and if it wasn’t, it felt like a reflection of my worth.
I remember working on a presentation for work. I stayed up all night, obsessing over every slide, every word.
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By the time I presented it, I was exhausted and my anxiety was through the roof. And for what? A few minor details that no one else even noticed.
Being a perfectionist might make you feel in control, but it’s often just another manifestation of self-doubt. It’s the fear that if everything isn’t perfect, you’re not good enough.
But trust me, you are. Give yourself permission to be human, to make mistakes, and to learn from them.
3) You avoid taking risks
Numerous studies have shown that humans are naturally risk-averse. It’s an evolutionary trait that has helped us survive.
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But when self-doubt creeps in, this natural aversion to risk can become amplified and start holding us back.
If you’re always doubting yourself, you might find that you’re more inclined to play it safe. You stick to what you know, to the tried-and-true, even if it’s not really making you happy or helping you grow.
But here’s the thing: growth happens outside of our comfort zones. Yes, taking risks can be scary, but it’s also how we learn, how we improve, and how we discover new opportunities.
Don’t let your self-doubt keep you stuck in the safety of familiarity. Every successful person has taken risks along the way.
It’s okay to take a chance on yourself – you might just surprise yourself with what you’re capable of.
4) You’re constantly seeking approval
When self-doubt takes hold, it’s common to seek the approval of others.
After all, if others believe in you, it can make it easier to believe in yourself, right?
But there’s a downside to this. When you constantly seek validation from others, you’re essentially outsourcing your self-worth. Your confidence becomes tied to other people’s opinions, and that’s a shaky foundation to stand on.
You might find yourself altering your behavior, your decisions, even your beliefs based on what you think will earn approval. However, you don’t need anyone else’s validation but your own.
It’s important to remember that your worth isn’t determined by how others see you, but how you see yourself.
5) You often compare yourself to others
In this age of social media, it’s so easy to fall into the comparison trap.
You see someone else’s highlight reel and compare it to your behind-the-scenes, and naturally, you come up short.
If you’re always doubting yourself, you might find yourself doing this a lot. Maybe you see a friend who’s just landed a great job, while you’re struggling in your career. Or perhaps it’s that fitness influencer on Instagram who seems to have the perfect body, while you’re battling with body image issues.
But here’s the thing: comparison is the thief of joy. It only fuels your self-doubt and makes you feel inadequate.
Everyone is on their own journey, with their own struggles and triumphs. Don’t measure your worth based on someone else’s life.
Focus on your own path, your own progress, and celebrate your own wins no matter how small they seem.
6) You’re hard on yourself when you make mistakes
We all make mistakes. It’s a part of being human.
But if you’re always doubting yourself, each mistake can feel like a confirmation of your worst fears about yourself.
You might find that you’re quick to criticize yourself, to berate yourself for each slip-up. Maybe you replay the mistake over and over in your head, magnifying it until it’s all you can see.
But let me tell you something: making a mistake doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It means you’re trying, you’re learning, and that’s something to be proud of.
7) You often feel like an impostor
It’s this nagging feeling that you’re not as competent as others perceive you to be, that you’ve somehow faked your way into your achievements.
I remember the first time I led a big project at work. Even though I was well-qualified and prepared, I couldn’t shake off this feeling that I didn’t belong there. I worried that any moment, someone would realize I was a fraud.
This is a common experience for many who constantly doubt themselves. It can hold you back from seizing opportunities and realizing your full potential.
But here’s the truth: you didn’t get where you are by accident. Your accomplishments are the result of your hard work and abilities.
8) You avoid celebrating your achievements
This might sound strange, but if you’re always doubting yourself, chances are you’re not very good at celebrating your successes.
You might downplay your achievements or dismiss them as luck or timing.
It’s like you’re so focused on your shortcomings that you overlook your strengths. You’re quick to point out your flaws, but hesitant to acknowledge your accomplishments.
But this kind of negative self-talk only feeds into your self-doubt. It’s important to give yourself credit where it’s due.
Each success, no matter how small, is a testament to your abilities and hard work. So don’t shy away from giving yourself a pat on the back.
Celebrating your achievements isn’t bragging; it’s acknowledging your growth and building your self-confidence.
9) You often feel overwhelmed
When self-doubt takes over, it can make everything feel a hundred times more overwhelming. Tasks seem insurmountable, decisions feel impossible.
This overwhelm can lead to procrastination, as you put off tasks in the hopes that they’ll somehow become easier. But this only increases the pressure and stress, further fueling your self-doubt.
If you’re finding yourself in this cycle, take a moment to breathe. Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps. It’s okay to ask for help if you need it.
Overwhelm can be a sign of self-doubt, but by facing it head-on and taking things one step at a time, you can start to regain control and build your confidence.
10) You forget to be kind to yourself
When it comes to self-doubt, the most crucial thing to remember is this: be kind to yourself.
We’re often our own worst critics, especially when self-doubt creeps in. But this harsh internal dialogue doesn’t serve us; it only undermines our confidence and happiness.
So be patient with yourself. Celebrate your progress. Recognize your worth.
And most importantly, remind yourself that you’re doing just fine. Because you are.
Final thoughts
As I wrote this, I couldn’t help but think of the moments I let self-doubt talk me out of something.
The truth is, it’s not a voice that goes away overnight, but it’s one you can learn to quiet.
You don’t have to tackle all ten of these habits at once—just pick one. Maybe it’s letting yourself celebrate a win or silencing that little “what if” when you’re faced with a decision.
Small changes lead to big shifts, and each step forward is worth it.
And when self-doubt starts whispering in your ear again, know this: the loudest, most important voice is yours. Speak to yourself the way you would a friend—with encouragement, patience, and the belief that you are capable.
Because, spoiler alert, you are.
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