9 things unsuccessful people do at the start of every day

There’s a vast difference between successful and unsuccessful people, and it often boils down to their morning routines.

Unsuccessful individuals tend to start their day with habits that set them up for failure, even if they’re not aware of it.

As a successful person myself, I’ve observed these harmful patterns in others. And trust me, you’d want to avoid these like the plague.

In this article, I’m going to share with you the 9 things unsuccessful people do at the start of every day.

Let’s get started.

1) Hitting snooze

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. The alarm goes off, and instead of leaping out of bed ready to tackle the day, you hit the snooze button. Once, twice, maybe even three times.

I’ve noticed that unsuccessful people often fall into this trap. They start their day off on a back foot, postponing the inevitable and wasting precious morning hours.

It’s not just about losing time, though. Hitting snooze disrupts your sleep cycle and leaves you feeling groggier than if you’d just gotten up immediately.

Think about it. Successful people don’t delay their day; they embrace it head-on. Snoozing is essentially procrastination at its finest, and well, we all know how harmful that can be.

2) Skipping breakfast

Here’s a personal confession: I used to skip breakfast all the time. I thought I was saving time, getting a head start on the day. But in reality, I was setting myself up for a day of low energy and poor concentration.

Unsuccessful people often make the same mistake. They rush out the door without fueling their bodies, thinking they’re gaining extra minutes. But without that morning nourishment, their productivity takes a hit.

I learned this the hard way. My energy would dip by mid-morning, and I’d find myself reaching for snacks or feeling irritable. It wasn’t until I started prioritizing a healthy breakfast that I saw a significant change in my performance throughout the day.

Breakfast is more than just a meal; it’s an investment in your day. So do yourself a favor and make time for it. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

3) Neglecting hydration

Did you know that even mild dehydration can impair our cognitive functions, affecting our mood, memory, and attention span? Yet many unsuccessful people start their day by guzzling coffee or energy drinks while ignoring the most essential drink – water.

Our bodies lose water while we sleep through respiration and perspiration. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning is like giving your body a much-needed wake-up call, kick-starting your metabolism and helping your brain to function optimally.

Before you reach for that morning cup of joe, try starting your day with a glass of water. It might seem like a small change, but it can have a big impact on your daily performance.

4) Avoiding physical activity

One common trait I’ve noticed among unsuccessful people is a tendency to start their day in a sedentary way. They might roll out of bed and immediately sit down for breakfast, or perhaps they head straight to a desk job without any physical activity.

The problem with this is that moving your body in the morning is key to waking up both your mind and your body. It gets your blood flowing and helps to shake off any lingering sleepiness.

You don’t have to run a marathon or hit the gym for an hour. Even a brief walk around the block or a quick yoga session can do wonders for your energy levels and mood.

Don’t underestimate the power of starting your day with some form of exercise. It can really set the tone for a productive and successful day.

5) Not planning their day

Another pitfall unsuccessful people often fall into is not planning their day. Instead of setting clear goals and tasks, they dive headfirst into their day, reacting to whatever comes their way.

This reactive approach can lead to inefficiency and a lack of direction. Without a plan, it’s easy to get sidetracked or overwhelmed by unexpected challenges.

Successful people, on the other hand, take a few moments each morning to outline their priorities for the day. This not only helps them stay focused but also gives them a sense of control and purpose.

Before you plunge into your day, take a moment to set your intentions and map out your tasks. It’s a simple step that can make a world of difference.

6) Ignoring self-reflection

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to start each day on autopilot. Unsuccessful people often skip the important act of self-reflection, failing to check in with themselves and their emotions.

Engaging in a few moments of quiet contemplation or journaling each morning can be a game-changer. It gives you a chance to connect with your inner self, set your intentions for the day, and recognize any feelings or thoughts that may be affecting you.

I believe we all owe it to ourselves to start our days with a little self-love and introspection. It’s not just about being successful; it’s about being in tune with ourselves, understanding our needs, and nurturing our emotional health.

7) Overloading on information

I used to start my day by immediately checking my phone, scrolling through social media, and catching up on the latest news. I thought I was staying informed, being proactive. But all I was really doing was overwhelming my mind with information before I’d even had a chance to wake up properly.

Many unsuccessful people do the same, bombarding their brains with data first thing in the morning. It’s like trying to drink from a fire hose; it’s too much, too soon.

Starting your day in this way can lead to stress, anxiety, and a lack of focus. I’ve found that by delaying this information overload and giving myself some quiet time in the morning, I’m able to start my day in a more relaxed and focused way.

Rresist the urge to dive into the digital world first thing. Give your mind a chance to wake up before you start feeding it information. Your mind will thank you for it.

8) Neglecting to learn something new

One habit that unsuccessful people often fall into is starting their day without the pursuit of learning something new. They might feel they don’t have time or that other tasks are more urgent.

But here’s the thing. Learning doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment. It can be as simple as reading an article, listening to a podcast, or even learning a new word.

Starting your day with learning not only increases your knowledge but also stimulates your brain, setting you up for a productive day.

So why not make a habit of incorporating learning into your morning routine? It might just give you the edge you need to be successful.

9) Starting the day with negativity

The biggest mistake unsuccessful people make is starting the day with negativity. Instead of embracing the new day with positivity and enthusiasm, they let stress, worry, or pessimism set the tone for their day.

Positivity is a choice, and it’s one that can dramatically influence the course of your day. It can boost your mood, improve your health, and increase your productivity.

Make the conscious decision to start your day on a positive note. You have the power to set the tone for your day. Choose positivity.

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Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.



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