Men who pretend to be nice but actually aren’t usually display these 10 subtle behaviors

There’s a line between genuine kindness and crafty deception. Sometimes, men might appear to be nice, but their true colors shine through in their subtle behaviors.

Pretending to be nice is an act, a facade to hide their real intentions. It’s like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, creating a false sense of security while harboring ulterior motives.

These men are often skilled in masking their true selves, making it difficult to see through their charade. But fear not, because there are certain subtle behaviors that give them away.

In this article, we’ll decipher these 10 subtle behaviors displayed by men who only pretend to be nice. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to differentiate genuine kindness from a well-crafted act.

1) They often agree with everything you say

Feigning agreement is a classic tactic used by men who pretend to be nice, but aren’t really.

These men are skilled at putting on a façade of agreeableness. They’ll nod along to your every word, creating a false sense of harmony and unity.

The trick is, they’re not genuinely agreeing with you. Instead, they’re using this mirroring strategy to gain your trust and approval.

It’s easy to fall for this act because we all like to be agreed with. It feels good when someone validates our thoughts and opinions.

However, it’s essential to watch out for those who agree too readily or too often. Genuine people will have their own opinions and won’t be afraid to voice them, even if they clash with yours.

Excessive agreement can be a sign of insincerity. A real friend isn’t someone who agrees with you all the time, but someone who isn’t afraid to challenge you when necessary.

2) They’re never at fault

Believe me, I’ve been there, tangled up with someone who acted like a saint but played the blame game like a pro.

In my personal experience, I once knew a guy who was great at appearing to be the nicest person on the planet. But whenever something went wrong, he was never to blame. It was always someone else’s fault or some external circumstance that caused the issue.

For example, he once forgot to pay a bill and instead of owning up to his oversight, he blamed it on the company for not sending a reminder. Even when confronted with his mistake, he would twist the narrative to deflect responsibility.

This is a classic behavior of men who pretend to be nice but actually aren’t. They create an image of perfection and innocence, making it seem like they can do no wrong. But in reality, their refusal to take responsibility for their actions tells a different story.

Nobody’s perfect; we all make mistakes. A genuinely nice person will admit their faults and learn from them, instead of pointing fingers and shifting blame.

3) They’re overly charming

Charm can be a delightful quality, but it can also be a tool for manipulation. Men who pretend to be nice often use charm as a smokescreen to hide their true intentions.

They’ll shower you with compliments, make grand gestures, and always seem to know the right thing to say. But while it might feel flattering, this excessive charm can sometimes be a red flag.

If you find someone laying on the charm a little too thick, it might be worth taking a closer look at their actions when the spotlight isn’t on them. True kindness doesn’t need to be announced; it shines through naturally in everyday actions and interactions.

4) They’re quick to make promises

Ever met someone who is all talk and no action? This is another trait common to men who pretend to be nice but aren’t.

These individuals are often quick to make grand promises. They’ll assure you they’ll always be there for you, promise to help you with anything you need, or vow to always make time for you.

The problem is, they rarely follow through on these promises. When the time comes to act, they’re nowhere to be found or they come up with an excuse for not being able to fulfill their promise.

Empty promises are a manipulation tactic designed to make you believe in their goodwill and reliability. But actions speak louder than words. Pay attention to whether someone’s actions match their words. A genuinely nice person will not only make promises but also strive to keep them.

5) They’re always the victim

Another subtle behavior to watch out for is constant victimhood. Men who pretend to be nice often portray themselves as the victim in every situation.

Whether it’s a failed relationship, a lost job, or a falling out with a friend, they’re always the innocent party who was wronged. They never seem to have any role in the problems they face.

Playing the victim is a way for them to gain sympathy and manipulate others into siding with them. It’s also a clever way of avoiding accountability for their actions.

However, life isn’t black and white, and every story has two sides. A genuinely nice person will accept their part in a situation and won’t use their problems as a tool to manipulate others.

6) They lack empathy

At the heart of genuine niceness, lies empathy. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others is a fundamental human trait. But for men pretending to be nice, this is often noticeably absent.

These individuals may feign concern or interest, but when you’re going through a tough time, their lack of empathy becomes apparent. They might dismiss your feelings, change the subject or even make light of your situation.

It’s heartbreaking to realize that someone you thought cared about you, doesn’t really understand or share your feelings. It feels as if they’re wearing a mask of niceness that slips off when you need them the most.

A truly nice person doesn’t just act interested in your feelings; they genuinely care and show empathy when you’re going through hardships. They stand by you, offer comfort and make you feel heard.

7) They make you feel indebted

I remember a time when I was going through a rough patch, and a seemingly nice guy offered to help. He constantly did small favors for me, but soon, these favors began to feel like a burden. I constantly felt like I owed him something in return.

This is another subtle behavior of men who pretend to be nice. They do things for you not out of genuine kindness, but to make you feel indebted to them. This is their way of gaining control and ensuring that you are under their influence.

True kindness doesn’t come with strings attached. A genuinely nice person will help you because they want to, not because they expect something in return. They understand that kindness is not a transaction but a gesture of goodwill.

8) They’re overly critical of others

You might think that someone who constantly criticizes others is simply being honest or has high standards. But this could also be a subtle behavior of men who pretend to be nice.

These individuals often engage in negative talk about others, highlighting their flaws while maintaining their own façade of niceness. It’s a clever way to make themselves appear better in comparison.

But here’s the twist. Someone who is quick to judge or criticize others is usually not as nice as they appear. Genuine kindness involves acceptance and understanding, not constant criticism.

9) They have a hidden agenda

When someone seems too good to be true, they often are. Men who pretend to be nice frequently have a hidden agenda behind their actions.

You might notice that they’re particularly nice when they need a favor, or when they want something from you. But once their needs are met, their niceness suddenly disappears.

This is because their kindness is not genuine but a means to an end. They use it as a tool to get what they want, whether it’s your trust, affection, or something more tangible.

A genuinely nice person, on the other hand, will be consistently kind and caring, regardless of the situation or what they might gain from it. Their kindness comes from the heart, not from a hidden agenda.

10) They’re inconsistent

In the end, the most revealing sign of men who pretend to be nice is their inconsistency.

One day, they’re the epitome of niceness, showering you with attention and compliments. The next day, they may be distant, aloof, or even rude. This inconsistent behavior can leave you feeling confused and questioning their sincerity.

Understand that genuine kindness is consistent. It’s not a switch to be turned on and off depending on the situation or mood. A truly nice person will treat you with respect and kindness consistently, because that’s simply who they are.


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Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.



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