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Apple Watch ECG detects AFib, saves life

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An Apple Watch recently proved to be a lifesaver for an elderly woman by detecting an irregular heartbeat, leading to timely medical intervention. The Apple Watch’s ECG (electrocardiogram) feature identified a condition called atrial fibrillation, prompting the woman to seek immediate medical attention. Nikias Molina shared this incident on X, revealing that his Apple Watch Series 10 detected his grandmother’s irregular heartbeat.

He posted a picture of the watch alert, stating, “My Apple Watch Series 10 detected my grandmother’s atrial fibrillation today using the ECG feature. She’s now at the hospital and receiving the care she needs. I still can’t believe it.”

The post quickly gained attention online, amassing over 2.2 million views on X, with many users responding by sharing their own stories about the Apple Watch’s health-tracking features.

A user wrote, “I had the same with my mom’s Apple Watch where it detected her AFIB. The first test they ran with their huge machine didn’t find anything.

Apple Watch’s life-saving potential

So the ER doctor insisted on getting another one due to the Apple watch alerts. Lo and behold it truly was AFIB and she’s alive because of the watch providing early detection. Hope your grandmother is recovering well.”

Another user commented, “The phone saved my friend’s life last Christmas.

He was on his way home from working an overnight shift, ran into a pole, the car flipped, and went over an embankment. The phone notified his mom, sister, and 911.”

A third user remarked, “This is one of the reasons I made the switch to Apple for my daily. They are actually making huge differences in people’s lives with products like these.

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Now the AirPods are hearing aids and the satellite texting is also saving lives. Great stuff.”

“Charging mine back up as we speak!! Glad it worked out,” another user added. The incident underscores the impact of technology in healthcare, highlighting how tools like the Apple Watch can play a critical role in detecting and managing health conditions.

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Benjamin Lee is a tech guru with a flair for innovation and problem-solving. With years of experience in the industry, Benjamin has established himself as a go-to expert in all things tech-related.