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How Can Social Media Increase Brand Visibility?

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How Can Social Media Increase Brand Visibility?

In a world where scrolling through social media has become as routine as grabbing your morning coffee, brands are constantly vying for attention. But in this crowded digital space, how can you make sure your brand stands out? Social media isn’t just a place to post updates—it’s a powerful tool to boost your brand’s visibility and connect with your audience in meaningful ways.

  • Leverage Live Streaming for Engagement
  • Provide Valuable Content on LinkedIn
  • Implement a Content Pillar Strategy
  • Capitalize on Trends and Newsjacking
  • Cultivate a Social Media Community
  • Engage Audiences with Targeted Campaigns
  • Share Client Stories and Expert Insights
  • Build Conversations and Listen to Feedback
  • Partner with Micro-Influencers for Authenticity
  • Create Shareable Infographics for Visibility
  • Focus on Genuine Audience Connections
  • Combine Value-Driven Content with Engagement
  • Inspire with Interactive Social Media Content
  • Utilize the Value Ladder Framework
  • Produce Visual Content for Multiple Platforms

Leverage Live Streaming for Engagement

Live streaming on social media has helped me get my business in front of new people and strengthen my connection with my existing audience. This feature creates an opportunity to engage with viewers in real time, teach proven marketing strategies, and empower businesses to start implementing these tactics in their own businesses. When you share valuable information in this way, viewers are more inclined to share the live stream with others, and this boosts your brand visibility.

Megan Gersch, Owner + CEO, Megan Gersch

Provide Valuable Content on LinkedIn

We use social media to increase our brand’s visibility by understanding what our target audience uses social media for, and providing it for them. Operating in the B2B space, we know our audience primarily uses LinkedIn, and they use it to expand their network and knowledge of marketing.

So the main focus of our content output on this channel is content that informs and educates people on various digital marketing concepts and processes—through things like swipeable guides, blog posts, free whitepapers, and webinars.

Rather than trying to sell our business, we provide things that are genuinely helpful to our audience. This leads to them interacting with the content, following our page, and sharing it with someone they know.

This method of using social media to increase brand visibility is not only effective (with our page growing by 13,500 followers in a year) but also lucrative as it ensures it isn’t just visibility for visibility’s sake. It is people who are directly interested in our services and subject matter.

Beyond this, we also develop positive associations with them as thought leaders in our field and as someone who can provide insights on digital marketing.

Alex Myers, Head of Marketing, The SEO Works

Implement a Content Pillar Strategy

Creating a content pillar strategy is a game-changer for increasing brand visibility on social media. Think of content pillars as the backbone of your content; they help keep everything aligned and purposeful. Start by identifying 3-5 key themes or topics that reflect your brand values and resonate with your audience. For Southwestern Rugs Depot, for instance, our pillars could be sustainability, American craftsmanship, unique rug designs, home decor tips, and customer testimonials.

Share content around these pillars consistently. Use storytelling to explain the history and significance of American-made rugs, post behind-the-scenes videos of the crafting process, or create infographics highlighting sustainable materials. These kinds of posts not only inform but also engage your audience, encouraging them to connect more deeply with your brand.

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Scheduling tools like Buffer or Hootsuite can help you plan and ensure that your content remains consistent across all platforms. This method builds a cohesive brand identity while also establishing your company as an authority in your niche. In turn, this focused approach significantly boosts your visibility and recognition on social media.

Connor Butterworth, CEO & Owner, Southwestern Rugs Depot

Capitalize on Trends and Newsjacking

To elevate your brand’s presence on social media, tap into trends and newsjacking to stay relevant and engaging. Newsjacking involves injecting your brand into current events or trending topics, not just major headlines but also industry-specific conversations. This approach can position your brand as a thought leader and keep your content fresh. Start by staying ahead of the curve—capitalize on trends early. This could be as simple as participating in trending conversations or using popular meme formats.

Adapt your content for each social channel’s unique style. For instance, LinkedIn is great for carousels and professional videos, while Twitter thrives on concise threads. TikTok requires short, snappy vertical videos. Make sure your visuals and formats align with these preferences for maximum impact.

Align your content with your brand archetype to maintain consistency and authenticity. Whether you’re the Sage, the Hero, or the Jester, your content should reflect your brand’s core identity and values. Moreover, share valuable, user-centric content rather than just promotional material. Repurpose longer content like blog posts into engaging social media snippets—graphics, carousels, or short videos—to keep your audience hooked.

Vaibhav Namburi, Founder,

Cultivate a Social Media Community

As a marketing consultant, embracing the concept of community-building on social media is essential for increasing brand visibility. Cultivating a loyal community around your brand not only fosters engagement but also encourages word-of-mouth marketing, which can be incredibly powerful.

To achieve this, consider creating dedicated groups or forums where your audience can share experiences, ask questions, and interact with each other. Hosting live Q&A sessions and interactive webinars can also promote involvement and position your brand as an authority within your niche.

Furthermore, addressing customer inquiries and feedback promptly on social media demonstrates your commitment to customer service, enhancing your brand’s reputation and visibility. By nurturing a vibrant community, you can transform customers into brand advocates, extending your reach organically through their networks.

Austin Benton, Marketing Consultant, Gotham Artists

Engage Audiences with Targeted Campaigns

Social media isn’t just about posting; it’s about creating conversations. At DavidWilfong, we use targeted campaigns to engage specific audiences, like hosting live Q&A sessions on LinkedIn, where industry professionals discuss trends. This strategy led to a 25% increase in our follower base and brought in new client inquiries. The secret is to focus on genuine interaction rather than just broadcasting, and let your audience’s interests guide your content. That’s how real visibility and brand loyalty are built.

David Wilfong, Founder and CEO, DavidWilfong

Share Client Stories and Expert Insights

At RVW Wealth, social media has been a game-changer for enhancing brand visibility. Leading a LinkedIn campaign, we focused on sharing client success stories and tax-planning insights. This strategy, centered on transparency and education, led to a 40% increase in engagement within two months.

By blending storytelling with expert advice, we found that our audience connects more deeply with our content. The key takeaway? Consistent, value-driven content not only elevates our brand but also strengthens client trust, a cornerstone of RVW Wealth’s success.

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Jonathan Gerber, President, RVW Wealth

Build Conversations and Listen to Feedback

Social media at FATJOE is a catalyst for brand visibility. Instead of just pushing content, we focus on building genuine conversations. When we launched a campaign using Twitter polls, it engaged our audience directly, and their input shaped our next service offering. This approach not only boosted our social media following by 25% but also created a stronger connection with our audience. Social media isn’t just a broadcast tool; it’s a platform to listen, adapt, and grow with your community.

Joe Davies, CEO, FATJOE

Partner with Micro-Influencers for Authenticity

One way we use social media to improve our visibility is by partnering with micro-influencers. These are people with smaller social followings but who have a strong connection with their audience. We specifically look for people who align with our brand values and have followers similar to our target customers, since these folks are more likely to visit our website and follow us on social media.

If we connect and things look promising, we give the influencer a license to our software so they can try it and share their experience. We’ve found that this feels more authentic than traditional ads and helps us reach people who are genuinely interested in our product.

John Turner, Founder, SeedProd

Create Shareable Infographics for Visibility

Creating shareable infographics and visual content can significantly increase your brand’s visibility on social media. Infographics simplify complex data into easily digestible and visually compelling formats. Imagine you have a mountain of industry data that you want to share. Instead of releasing a lengthy article, craft an infographic that highlights the key points using engaging visuals. This not only captures attention but also makes the information more likely to be shared by your followers, exposing your brand to a wider audience.

A technique is to use tools like Canva or Piktochart to create these infographics. Start by identifying a key piece of data or insight relevant to your industry. Design it in a way that is both informative and visually appealing. Make sure to include your brand’s logo and website link subtly within the graphic. Sharing these on platforms where visual content performs well, such as Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, can help you reach more people. Encourage your followers to share it by making the content valuable and visually striking. This method not only enhances your brand’s visibility but also positions you as an authority in your field.

Will Yang, Head of Growth & Marketing, Instrumentl

Focus on Genuine Audience Connections

To increase brand visibility on social media, we’ve found that shifting our focus from simply chasing views and increasing reach to building genuine connections with our audience has made all the difference. Instead of just boosting posts and paying for ads, we focus on creating content that is relatable and resonates on a deeper level.

Platforms like Instagram now prioritize content that sparks meaningful interactions—particularly when it’s shared with friends. When consumers feel a real connection with a brand, they’re more likely to engage, become repeat customers, and spread the word to others. This strategy and approach doesn’t only result in increased brand visibility but also brand loyalty and organic growth.

Katharina Garmon, CEO & Founder, Socialkind Studio LLC

Combine Value-Driven Content with Engagement

Leveraging social media at Lusha involves a mix of strategic content creation and targeted engagement. We focus on sharing value-driven content that resonates with our audience—like industry insights and customer success stories—across platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.

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One effective tactic was launching a user-generated content campaign, encouraging our customers to share their experiences with our tools. This not only amplified our reach but also increased brand credibility, resulting in a 30% uptick in social media engagement. Consistently engaging with followers and participating in relevant conversations further boosts visibility, making our brand a trusted voice in the industry.

Yarden Morgan, Director of Growth, Lusha

Inspire with Interactive Social Media Content

At PlayAbly.AI, social media isn’t just a tool; it’s a canvas where our brand’s story comes to life. When we launched our latest gamification feature, we created a series of interactive Instagram polls and quizzes that mirrored the product’s functionality. Engagement soared by 40%, leading to a 25% increase in sign-ups within two weeks. This success highlighted the power of personalized, fun content that resonates with our audience. Every post is crafted to inspire and connect, driving both brand visibility and customer loyalty.

John Cheng, CEO, PlayAbly.AI

Utilize the Value Ladder Framework

One strategy I’ve found effective in increasing brand visibility on social media is the “Value Ladder Framework.” This involves creating content that progressively builds value and trust with your audience. I begin by sharing micro-content—quick tips, engaging questions, or relatable stories that resonate with my target audience. For instance, I once posted a simple tip on improving website load times, which unexpectedly sparked a lot of discussion.

Next, I move up the ladder by offering more in-depth content, such as tutorials or case studies, that directly address common pain points. This not only educates my audience, but also positions the brand as a go-to resource. Finally, the top rung involves inviting my audience to participate in webinars or live Q&A sessions, where I provide actionable insights and solve real problems in real-time.

By gradually leading my audience through this value ladder, I’ve noticed not just an increase in followers, but also in meaningful engagement, which is key to long-term visibility and brand loyalty.

Rasmus Myhrberg, Founder & CEO, Spark Plugin

Produce Visual Content for Multiple Platforms

As a digital marketing strategist, I focus on creating visual and engaging content for social platforms to boost brand visibility. For example, short product videos on Facebook receive much higher engagement than text posts, so even small ad budgets can expose brands to thousands.

Personally engaging with followers builds loyalty. I aim to interact with as many followers as possible, since people appreciate the real people behind brands.

Using multiple platforms expands reach. While Facebook is the largest, LinkedIn and Instagram have different audiences. Posting across platforms increases familiarity and visibility. Familiarity comes from repetition. The more people see a brand, the more visible it becomes. High-quality content and social ads drive traffic and build trust.

Doug Steinberg, Founder & President, Magnetik

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