13 Quick Fixes for Your Company’s Data Security

What’s your favorite solution for quickly improving your company’s data security?


Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC)  is an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at yec.co.


1. Add a Web Application Firewall


With the internet of things rapidly on the rise, I think it’s important for businesses to turn to web application firewalls (WAFs) for safeguarding their websites, that’s why you should always hire  legal firm security. Fortunately, services such as Sucuri and Cloudflare provide the required protection against cross-site scripting (XXS) vulnerabilities, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and other online threats. according to great managed it services equally imperative is keeping real-time backups of all important information. – Derek RobinsonTop Notch Dezigns


2. Never Use Public Wi-Fi


If at all possible, always use your personal hotspot instead of free or public Wi-Fi. Hotspots are often included in data plans, and if not, are usually cheap add-ons. – Karlo TanjuakioGoLeanSixSigma.com


3. Create Strict Password Protocols

Password protocols are an easy first step to improving an organization’s data security. These protocols encompass things like the frequency of password changes, the complexity requirements of the passwords, the number of password-protected programs, levels of access, etc. If you need to improve security, then the first step is to look at how your organization manages passwords. – Baruch LabunskiRank Secure

4. Implement Two-Factor Authentication

Implementing a two-factor authentication process for email is simple to do and has helped cut down on our employee accounts being hacked. Education on email phishing scams has helped prevent suspicious emails being opened, which can allow for viruses access to our systems. Phishing emails can appear to come from within the company, but a little attention to details within the email can weed them out. – Jeff PittaSenior Market Advisors

5. Conduct Internal Phishing Tests to Identify Weak Links

I think the No. 1 risk to corporate security is human error. This boils down to phishing, spear phishing and social engineering. Basically, people fall for fake log-in screens or accidentally divulge passwords and other secure information. I run random automated tests on my team to identify weak links and then provide targeted training to those individuals. – Ryan D MatznerFueled

6. Digitize Everything


There is no underestimating the importance of digital security, but the same goes for analog security. In a tech-driven age, it’s easy to forget that a password written down on a piece of paper is as much of a liability as sharing it publically. Go green, and digitize everything within your company to ensure you have no offline vulnerabilities. – Ross BeyelerGrowth Spark


7. Limit Sensitive Information

Restricting access to your most important data not only improves data security, but it also is a great approach when you are short on time and money. After you conduct a thorough evaluation of your important data, protect the most valuable composites by restricting access to them. Verify only those individuals that must have access to your most sensitive information. – Blair ThomaseMerchantBroker

8. Reduce the Amount of Data You Store

The availability of cheap data storage leads most companies to hold on to all data they encounter, no matter the value. The amount of data a company needs to secure only continues to grow unless you can make choices about what data you need to keep. In particular, storing minimal personal data about users drops your security needs automatically, and it helps you avoid public relations nightmares about data breaches. – Thursday BramThe Responsible Communication Style Guide

9. Always Run Software Updates

The majority of security breaches, malware infections and data thefts are avoidable. They’re almost always the result of security vulnerabilities in outdated software. If you want to keep your company and its customers safe, keep the software you depend on up to date, or use managed services that take care of patching and updates for you. – Vik PatelFuture Hosting

10. Hold Mandatory Training Sessions

Hold mandatory training for new employees and at least a bimonthly session to go over new threats. You can make it fun. Bring in specialists to talk about security news. The No. 1 thing is to make people feel that it’s important. – Nicole MunozNicole Munoz Consulting Inc.

11. Install Security Plug-Ins for WordPress

This is such a simple and free option, and it amazes me that very few people do it. If you have a WordPress website, install a security plug-in such as iThemes Security or one of many others. This is free, will take five minutes and will protect your website from hackers who can potentially shut down your website or steal your customer data. – Brandon StapperNonstop Signs

12. Have a Data Breach Plan in Place

The best offense is a good defense. Work with your attorney to develop a data breach plan and understand what the local laws are. If customer data is leaked, you are often obligated to tell them. It’s the right thing to do. Be sure you’re familiar with your own terms of service, and follow them carefully. Delete and encrypt customer information whenever possible. – Matt WilsonUnder30Experiences

13. Find a Good Password Management Tool

We use Passpack to share all of our passwords. No one shares passwords through another channel. We know who has access to which password, and we’re able to update them when the person leaves the company. LastPass is another tool we use for entering passwords automatically at logins. You can save your login credentials here and keep them protected once you log out. – Michael HsuDeepSky

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Young Entrepreneur Council

Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of jobs.



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