10 Tips for Communicating with Your Colleagues

10 Tips for Communicating with Your Colleagues Smallbiztechnology

Sure, you can email one another anytime. But is this really the best way to communicate with colleagues? Why does communication matter, and what’s the best way to approach others? This quick guide to workplace communication includes useful resources that you’ll find helpful, no matter what your business specialty.

1. Understand the Why

Why do you need to communicate right now? What’s your purpose in having that conversation or meeting? Simon Sinek does an exceptional job of explaining exactly what makes the “Why” so important. Knowing the purpose of each communication can help you get your point across quickly, concisely, and in a way that will inspire others to get on board and take action.

2. Choose a Platform

Decide how best to communicate. Email might be best, or perhaps you need to have a face-to-face conversation. If you need to communicate with an entire team, ensure that you leverage the power of technology to streamline your employee communication and avoid confusion. Software such as Sapho makes it simple to send essential information, deliver insights, and so much more.

3. Cultivate an Optimistic Outlook

Optimism can boost performance and make every aspect of your workday better. We’re not suggesting that you see the world with rose-colored glasses – instead, we’d like to recommend that you seek a positive approach and use positive words when communicating with others. Inc.com offers sound advice for cultivating a workplace where optimism is more than just a buzzword.

4. Don’t be Afraid to Use Humor

Humor makes us seem friendly and approachable. It encourages others to open up, relax, and communicate freely. Of course, it’s important to use the right approach to  humor in the workplace.

5. Know Your Audience

Who is involved? What communication style will they best respond to? Forbes notes that by demonstrating that you know your audience, you’ll earn respect, in turn making every aspect of your work life smoother.

6. Keep Criticism Private

Although there’s a school of thought that says the old adage “Praise in public, criticize privately” is wrong, Kim Scott of Radical Candor does an excellent job of outlining the importance of keeping criticism private. This post also explains how private criticism can lead to greater clarity.

7. Abstain from Gossip

Sure, it’s tempting to join the crowd and chat about others when they’re absent. Unfortunately, it’s pretty easy for the shoe to end up on the other foot – and when that happens, you’re suddenly the target of workplace gossip. Check out The Muse for some quick, easy tactics for avoiding workplace gossip. Not only will you seem more professional, avoiding gossip is a great way to be more trustworthy.

8. Demonstrate Empathy

It takes very little effort to care for others as individuals, but a little bit of empathy goes a long way. Discussing empathy in the workplace, Forbes mentions that empathy drives motivation while enhancing productivity.

9. Don’t Overdo It

When people are bombarded with a steady stream of information, they tend to feel numb, and this means that critical elements can be lost in the shuffle. Have a goal for every message and conversation. It may seem difficult to be both personable and succinct, but with a little effort, you can master the art of getting to the point.

10. Listen

Really – listen to your colleagues. Active listening can help with clients, too; for example, it’s a well-known tactic for boosting sales. Everyone wants to be heard and when you listen, you’ll gain incredible insight and build rapport with others.

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